Solstice continues to arrive fashionably late to the last few live music seasons here in the Chi. The feast of visuals begins against the city’s amaz backdrop. As a solo adventurer in Chicago, It is much too easy to suddenly find yourself entranced by a groov..or various, should you continue through to various areas of exploration that eve. Â
Adventuring solo has been an interesting venture for me. Like many I am recovering from PTSD and have had experienced several life changing transitions since 2017(ish)..give or take. There is more to life than exact dates. Since, Music + horror have been my solstice. And, connecting with others has always been a most fantastical experience. My Sag curiosity is never satisfied with more than one thought, feeling, experience or fact. As we understand from viewing numerous villains and often embracing them as our favs, many unique peeps make up our communities. I promised myself I will not throw fist a cups as often as I had in my years of youth. Yet, ponder if some of the uncomfortable actions I experienced required such actions. I was being shown how to properly handle such interactions with various creatures. Watching enough horror movies, we are equipped to be versatile enough to thwart mindless zombies without violence.

One fact we can all count on is that there will be dcks somewhere. Like the summer smog, they can be difficult to ignore. The rules of being a dck generally change each year. Who is this rule keeper? Forever trends that continue to stay popular with younger attendees include the most obvious elbow, drunken two step, the vomiting of words, and touchy feely hands.  Often you will run into creative folk with no regard for public germs when stacking a pbr tower in a porta john (true story).
Let us be real however, these are just the pleasantries of festival season. The reality remains that the risks for women and LGBTQIA+ individuals continue to increase even as some communities promote awareness and work in new measures for safety.
Let’s admit, solo adventures can be fun. Friends who have ventured off into other interests or would totally not geek out with you at a con. As someone who often finding myself venturing away from new found friends to a new adventure, it has been determined a wise decision to have a game plan designed for a moment of Jeckyl / Hyde or a crankie frankie to toss you from your mindspace.
- Limit your drinkies
Should you choose to drink, keep in mind that tolerance is an often event by event factoring in both the consumption and longevity of the buzz. Prefer the jane? Sharing the lady with new friends can have you underestimate her effects. Even for you..comparing yourself to Snoop.
When playing with elixers it is wise to understand your choice of poison for the eve. Bonus points = one that you can only tolerate the taste of a small quantity of times. The goal here is to feel good..back off and maintain.
Know your “poison” prior to partaking and stick to your limits. Often there is a nice balance of comfortable and woah. Also, keep a close eye on your drinkies and don’t leave them unattended. - Instinct does not always require a fight.
We all know the magic rule here – if something feels off, do not wait until things get fckd to get yourself away. At times my curiosity can be known to linger a little too long. Not always a wise idea. I recommend a nonchalant gotta go approach, unless the moment demands a swift kick wolfie’s nards.

- Be aware of your surroundings.
Take notice of those in your newly found gathering. Is there an escape route amongst what has potential to turn into a zombie outbreak? We’ve watched plenty of horror..we know how this can go. This can be a little easier said than done varying upon the circumstances. Always find humor in the situ should you find yourself suddenly immersed in an experience. Connect with other possible adversaries in the immediate area.
My favorite unsung hero was met at Open Air festival. Prior to the festival, my son had already been to a few Ozzfests and was ready to see Megadeth outdoors. Quickly finding new buds, the new found friends who were shielded by who I will call the brick..tossing off any stray jumps out of the pit behind us using his arms and back. As many of these failed attempts at breaking the brick wall continued, this young man did not flinch or move more than a few inches.
In addition to these tips, there are a number of things that concert venues can do to make women and queer folk to feel safer. These include:
- Increased security.
Going in, we understand that although we share the same concerns regarding safety, each venue or event has their own set of rules to play by. For the best experience know these rules and get to know the area are you not familiar. Your experience may include a very visible security presence inside. Is the area protected once visitors exit? In the light of bad behaviors by security we are hopeful that events will hire more professionals than bar bouncer vibes.

Hosts and promoters can continue to implement enhanced and updated safety measures within the staffing structure which can assist with providing more comfort for all to enjoy a worry free adventure and wish to experience it again. Staying on top of current trends in violence and educating their staff members on how to recognize and properly dismantle the possible occurrence prior to escalation. Additionally, staff should be trained in providing initial additional support and resources for individuals who have experienced discomfort or harm during their experience. In this current world of changing times the goal is to create a welcoming and respectful atmosphere for all to enjoy.
Let us also talk of artists who create uncomfortable experiences. We are looking at you Diddy..
Although tempting to spend an eve chatting with your fav artists over many drinks, you may wish to reconsider your gaming. Some naughties have been busted with sexual abuse and assault on their hands. Instead, buddy up, hang and get out should you feel comfortable initially. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or pressured, listen to yourself and exit the situation immediately. Find the nearest person with a phone on your exit and have them hit record. Report it. Do not let that villain get away with bad behavior.
If you have been exploited , do not wrestle with guilt. Understand that reporting and speaking out about your experience not only is healing for you; also may save another in our communities from the same experience. Sounds cliche. You know who to call: Â National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 or visit their website at You can also contact the National Center for Victims of Crime at 800-394-2255 or visit their website at
Solo adventures can be liberating and empowering when a game plan is had. Take practical steps to enhance your experience and minimize the stress.
Wish to share your wild adventure? Spill at #hauntedemporiummag
In for a new adventure? Pick your Poison